
bauani.gif (2300 Byte)UNDER CONSTRUCTION

VideoC14_1.jpg (64604 Byte)         VideoC14_2.jpg (46078 Byte)

Here you can see my first attempts to take videopictures of the moon. 1997 I used a 12 years old Canon Videokamera on a tripod behind the okular. With a framegrabber I digitized the analog signals via parallelport to my first notebook.

clavius.jpg (7760 Byte)       mond4.jpg (26180 Byte)      copernicus.jpg (7205 Byte)

                   mond1.jpg (15587 Byte) 

It's long ago .............

and techniques have changed

.... today I use webcam, CCD, DSLR  :-)

..... but in those days a B&W-TV-screen had to be enough.