international Remote Observing Session
25.Sept.2009 19:00 UT
One report in English
One report in German
(for the national IYA2009site)
I am sharing the mission and goal of Astronomers Without Borders and their dedication to foster understanding and goodwill across national and cultural boundaries by creating relationships through the universal appeal of astronomy. I will do so, travelling with my astroequipped car to foreign countries and cultures, trying to get connected by sharing the fascination of our ONE SAME SKY !
Another goal ist to struggle for dark skies. It's worth to convince people to do something for this goal !
Our One Dark Sky ist the biggest World Heritage Site we have - let's protect it together !!!
Click above picture to enter the fascinating world of
Wally Pacholka.
I will support all over the world the
opinion of IAU, that the nightsky is worth to be protected and to be saved for
our next generations. Struggeling against lightpollution is important to achieve
this goal. Struggeling for dark skies is a cornerstone project in the IYA2009
too, but it will be a never ending project for many of years and generations. To
make a little contribution to this matter I have installed a little website in
my home town LINZ. -->