What I am doing ? - Astronomy just for fun ! .....and I am
no friend of Astrology !!!
Current activities:
Modifying my old EQ6
Planning & building MINIOBS
ASTROTRAILER Constructing a multipurpose astrophoto-platform on a used LX200-base LAG@AWB a successful cooperation SIDEWALKASTRONOMY & JOHN DOBSON Outreach Work presentations, events, publications My active astronomylife awaked again during IYA2009 IYA2009 - MY ACTIVITIES & NEW PROJECTS - IYA2009 -MY ACTIVITIES & NEW PROJECTS - IYA2009 CEDIC 2009 Central European Deepsky Imaging Conference My little CTO (Computerised Table Observatory) Light-gathering with old Cameralenses & CCD/DSLR LIGHTPOLLUTION my mainly German written page on public space of LINZ but with some English written reports concerning AWB-events too for example HERE "FROM ORIENT TO OCCIDENT - ONE PEOPLE, ONE SKY" a travel report (2010)of my first AWB-Tour to Turkey,Syria and Jordan. HISTORY History (my first telescopes, membership-LAG, astropictures .....) Building my Observatory MINIOBS II Finished Observatory MINIOBS II My Observatory published in STAROBSERVER (Heft 03/2001) CONTENT ALWAYS