CEDIC 2009 -Ars Electronica Center - Linz AUSTRIA
04 - 05 04 2009
For me it was a great pleasure being a crewmember and doing a little contribution to the organisation.
Well known international experts took part in the first
European Deepsky Imaging Conference.
The following scan shows the conference programm, followed by some Picts of this
successful event.
Dr. Dietmar Hager (Stargazer-Observatory) and DI Herbert Raab (Chairman of Linzer Astromomical Society)
Lars Lindberg Christensen via Skype Account Eniko Patkos
Mr. "AstroTrack" (Martin Stirland)
Fascinating DEEP SPACE
Listen to the speech of Dietmar Hager @ Youtube
Christoph Kaltseis speaking at Conference Dinner